Part 5: Aftermath (The morning of June 4 onwards)

June 4, 1989, 6:00am – Morning commuter is greeted by an army at south end of Tiananmen Square.

June 4, 1989, 6:00am – Local residents in western Beijing commute through a still-burning war zone.

June 4, 1989, 6:00am – Beijing residents show spent bullet casings from battle the night before.

June 4, 1989, 6:30am – Beijing residents stand watch over dejected soldiers on overpass. Note covered bodies.

June 4, 1989, 7:30am – 28th Army column of reinforcements moving into Beijing is blocked, harassed at Muxidi.

June 4, 1989, 8:00am – Beijing residents redeploy burned-out buses to build new barricades along West Chang’an Ave.

June 4, 1989, 8:00am – Burned out army truck on Chang’an Ave looking west, in front of Zhongnanhai leaders’ compound.

June 4, 1989, 8:30am – Tanks take up position amid destruction at Beijing intersection.

June 4, 1989, 9:00am – Beijing residents show bullet that came through their apartment window.

June 4, 1989, 9:00am – Troops begin cleaning up piles of tents, belongings, trash left behind in Tiananmen Square.

June 4, 1989, 9:00am – Bonfires lit by troops in Tiananmen Square quickly consume memories of student protest.

June 4, 1989, 9:00am – Soldiers lose no time in destroying any remnant of student protests in Tiananmen Square.

June 4, 1989, 9:30am – Beijing residents explore wreckage from previous night’s battle at Muxidi.

June 4, 1989, 9:30am – Man passes burning jeep at Beijing intersection, legacy of previous night’s street battles.

June 4, 1989 – The crackdown in Beijing provoked demonstrations that day in 63 cities across China. Most were relatively peaceful.

June 4, 1989, 10:00am – Police in Chengdu deploy tear gas to disrupt student march in People’s Square.

June 4, 1989, 10:00am – Students throw rocks at police cordon in Chengdu’s People’s Square.

June 4, 1989, 10:00am – Police charge protesters in Chengdu’s People’s Square, beating them with electric prods.

June 4, 1989, 10:00am – Protesters in Beijing set ambulance on fire and drive it at the line of soldiers guarding Tiananmen.

June 4, 1989, 10:00am – Blazing ambulance hits traffic island in Chang’an Ave and fails to reach its target.

June 4, 1989 – Students in Lanzhou, Wuhan, & Changsha did disrupt traffic on major railway lines by lying their bodies across the tracks.

June 4, 1989 – New York Times: President Bush assails shootings in China.

June 4, 1989, 10:00am – Line of soldiers about to open fire on crowds gathered near northeast entrance to Tiananmen Square.

June 4, 1989, 10:15am – Soldiers firing on crowds at northeast corner of Tiananmen.

June 4, 1989, 10:15am – People flee machine-gun fire along Chang’an Ave, in front of Beijing Hotel.

June 4, 1989, 10:15am – Steady stream of new wounded are rushed to hospital in Beijing.

June 4, 1989, 10:15am – Man injured in police charge is loaded onto ambulance in Chengdu.

June 4, 1989, 10:15am – A man injured by police clutches his head as he waits for medical treatment in Chengdu.

June 4, 1989, 10:30am – Angry protesters take to the streets again in Muxidi (western Beijing).

June 4, 1989, 10:30am – Enraged Beijing residents throw rocks at passing army vehicles.

June 4, 1989, 10:30am – Enraged Beijing residents harass stalled army column of reinforcements at Muxidi.

June 4, 1989, 10:45am – At Muxidi, protesters demand soldiers abandon stalled column of army vehicles.

June 4, 1989, 10:45am – Soldiers in stalled column, many injured, abandon vehicles and seek refuge in Military Museum.

June 4, 1989, 10:45am – At Muxidi, angry residents set the now-abandoned column of army vehicles on fire.

June 4, 1989, 10:45am – Residents at Muxidi (western Beijing) watch abandoned column of army vehicles burn.

June 4, 1989, 10:45am – Man points to burning column of army vehicles in Muxidi.

June 4, 1989, 10:45am – People on West Chang’an Ave watch smoke rise from entire column on army vehicles set ablaze.

June 4, 1989, 11:00am – Column of abandoned APCs, set afire by angry Beijing residents, burns

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Smoking ruins of entire army column torched by Beijing residents that morning at Muxidi.

June 4, 1989 – New York Times: In Taiwan, sympathy and aloofness. “Tiananmen Square is very far away.”

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Protesters in Chengdu throw rocks at police station, which they later set on fire.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Police truck burns in Chengdu following violent riots.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Cyclists navigate around column of tanks advancing from Tiananmen east along Chang’an Ave.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Tanks drive past burned-out buses that served as barricades on Beijing’s Chang’an Ave.

June 4, 1989 – New York Times: 300 irate protesters besiege China’s New York consulate.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – After tanks pass, Beijing residents fill Chang’an Avenue in protest.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Protesters fill Chang’an Ave in front of Beijing Hotel, just west of Tiananmen.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Column of tanks advances along major street in Beijing.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Burning column of army vehicles in western Beijing.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Local residents examined burned-out column of army vehicles at Muxidi.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Tanks secure overpass (at Chaoyang?) amid wreckage from previous night’s battle.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Beijing residents make their way through shattered barricades just east of Tiananmen.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – A solitary figure stares across no-man’s land at firing line sealing off Tiananmen Square.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Soldiers continue cleaning up traces of protest in Tiananmen Square.

June 4, 1989, afternoon – Army helicopters land in Tiananmen Square to resupply troops.

June 4, 1989, 7:00pm – Medical personnel count bodies in Beijing.

June 4, 1989, 7:00pm – Beijing residents search local morgues for missing family members.

June 4, 1989, 7:00pm – Bodies stacked in a Beijing morgue.

June 4, 1989 – On the very same day as bloody crackdown in China, Poland holds its first free elections since World War II.

June 4, 1989 – In first free elections since World War II, Polish voters peacefully sweep Communist Party from power

June 4, 1989, evening – Mother weeps upon finding her child’s body in a Beijing morgue.

June 4, 1989 – Front page of South China Morning Post (Hong Kong). 57 killed?

June 5, 1989 – Blood on Chang’an Avenue, central Beijing

June 5, 1989 – New York Times: “troops…periodically responded with bursts of automatic-weapons fire whenever crowds drew close to the square.”

June 5, 1989 – Beijing residents pass wreckage of military vehicles destroyed the day before.

June 5, 1989 – New York Times: Beijing death toll at least 300.

June 5, 1989 – Local Beijing residents show busload of tourists body lying in the street (Jianguomen bridge?)

June 5, 1989 – Beijing residents beg foreign journalist to “tell the world” what happened the day before

June 5, 1989 – Wife of wounded Party member tells New York Times: “He said such a party could never hurt the people. But he was wrong.”

June 5, 1989 – Students place white flower (to mourn the dead) over main gate to Peking University

June 5, 1989 – Students hold funeral services on Beijing college campuses to mourn their fallen classmates.

June 5, 1989 – Tanks parked on Tiananmen Square, seen from Beijing Hotel (a few blocks to the east)

June 5, 1989 – New York Times: In Beijing, rage and despair over the soldiers’ brutality.

June 5, 1989 – New York Times reports shoppers on Wanfujing shot because they were in line of view when soldiers opened fire.

June 5, 1989 – Doctor at Beijing’s Union Medical College Hospital tells New York Times: ‘We have no more blood.”

June 5, 1989 – Doctor in Beijing: “We had to concentrate on those who were still living. We had to leave behind most of those who already were dead.”

June 5, 1989 – Shortly after noon, a column of tanks departs Tiananmen Square heading east on Chang’an Ave. Note man at lower left.

June 5, 1989 – People run from approaching tanks, just east of Tiananmen. Note man standing in street behind them.

June 5, 1989 – Advancing column of tanks meets a lone man standing in the middle of the street

June 5, 1989 – Unknown man blocks column of tanks from advancing east on Chang’an Ave.

The exact same shot of Chang’an Avenue, just east of Tiananmen, in 2009

June 5, 1989 – The iconic photo of man vs. tank

June 5, 1989 – The raw CNN video footage of one man facing down row of tanks in Beijing. Note sounds of gunfire.

June 5, 1989 – “Tank Man” finally being hustled away. By friends? Or plainclothes security forces? Nobody knows.

June 5, 1989 – 30,000 protesting students use buses as roadblocks, bring traffic to a standstill in downtown Shanghai.

June 5, 1989 – 7,000 protesting students bring traffic to standstill, block factory entrances in Xi’an.

June 5, 1989 – Truck filled with armed soldiers on Beijing street.

June 5, 1989 – Tanks deploy on Jianguomen bridge (East 2nd Ring Road). Ancient observatory is in background, to the southwest.

June 5, 1989 – Rioting protesters in Chengdu break into major hotels. Many are captured and beaten by police in Jinjiang hotel courtyard.

June 5, 1989 – Tanks on Jianguomen bridge. That’s my local subway station on northeast corner, I later lived in apt building behind it.

June 5, 1989 – Wuhan Steel reports “delivery of urgently needed materials has been blocked, and we will be forced to shut down.”

June 5, 1989 – New York Times: Hong Kong stock market plunges 22%. “There is no bottom.”

June 5, 1989 – Tanks deploy at Jianguomen, amid (inaccurate) rumors of potential civil war among rival army units.

June 5, 1989 – Cyclists shelter while tanks deploy on Jianguomen bridge. Could be the view out my apartment window.

June 5, 1989 – New York Times: Violent crackdown may challenge Chinese rulers’ ability to govern.

June 5, 1989 – Soldier waves pistol at onlookers approaching too close to tanks deployed on Jianguomen bridge.

June 5, 1989 – 10,000 students erect roadblocks and block all traffic except for food supply trucks in Hangzhou.

June 5, 1989, 10:00pm – Groups of soldiers roam Beijing streets, shooting into air, amid rumors of tensions between units.

June 5, 1989, 11:00pm – Dissident Fang Lizhi is secretly picked up at Jianguo Hotel, brought to US embassy in Beijing.

June 5, 1989 – US Ambassador Lilley with Fang Lizhi and his wife. They lived in US embassy until allowed to leave China a year later.

June 5, 1989 – New York Times: West considers how to respond to China’s crackdown.

June 6, 1989 – Troops and tanks set up more established firing positions at northeast entrance to Tiananmen Square.

June 6, 1989 – Residents look on as troops maneuver through wreckage-strewn Chang’an Ave in central Beijing.

June 6, 1989 – Panicked residents in Guangzhou, in southern China, line up to stockpile rice, salt, sugar, eggs, and pork.

June 6, 1989 – New York Times: Army rift reported in Beijing, as shootings continue. Bush bars arms sales to China. In Poland, Communists concede defeat at ballot box.

June 6, 1989 – 3,000 students and residents attack headquarters of 27th Army in Shijiazhuang, near Beijing, shouting “Butchers!”

June 6, 1989 – 100,000 protesters march in Changchun, in northeast China.

June 6, 1989 – 300 students interrupt traffic on major rail line by lying on tracks in Lanzhou, in northeast China.

June 6, 1989 – All day, police attempt to dismantle roadblocks put up by protesters occupying downtown Shanghai, to no avail.

June 6, 1989 – Shanghai: “Buses have stopped running. Barricades have been erected across main thoroughfares. Police are nowhere in sight.”

June 6, 1989 – In Chengdu, 2/3 of stores are closed. Rioters set fire to Sichan Exhibition Hall and loot jewelry store.

June 6, 1989 – Students in Wuhan, in central China, block downtown traffic as well as major North-South rail line, by lying on tracks.

June 6, 1989 – Posters saying “Hang Li Peng” and “Repay blood debts” are posted on nearly all buses in Guiyang, in southwest China.

June 6, 1989 – Soldiers taking a rest in army-controlled Tiananmen Square.

June 6, 1989 – Deng Xiaoping to Poiitburo Standing Committee: “If we hadn’t come down hard, who know what would have happened?”

June 6, 1989 – Deng Xiaoping: “We owe [the army] a lot, we really do…this was a very severe test and they passed.”

June 6, 1989 – Vice Premier Yao Yilin: “Our national economy’s been devastated since this turmoil began. Economic life is chaos.”

June 6, 1989 – Li Peng: “Facts…can show how despicable and crazy those Western reports of a Tiananmen bloodbath are.”

June 6, 1989 – Deng Xiaoping: “In the future…we will use severe measures to stamp out the first signs of turmoil as soon as they appear.”

June 6, 1989 – Deng Xiaoping: “We have to jump on anything that might bring instability…And we can’t care what foreigners say.”

June 6, 1989 – Deng: “This incident has been a wake-up call for all of us…All this boils down to one thing: China can’t take chaos.”

June 6, 1989 – Deng Xiaoping: “Of all China’s problems, the one that trumps everything is the need for stability.”

June 6, 1989 – Soldiers sharing a meal in Tiananmen Square. Food for the troops was in painfully short supply.

June 6, 1989, evening – US army attache in Beijing receives phone call warning to stay away from Jianguomen diplomatic residences the next day.

June 6, 1989, 8:45pm – No. 161 train from Beijing runs over 9 people blocking its path in Shanghai, 5 are killed.

June 6, 1989, 10:00pm – 30,000 gather at scene of fatal Shanghai train accident, riot and burn rail cars.

June 7, 1989 – New York Times: Broadcasts show widespread unrest across China, beyond Beijing.

June 7, 1989 – Beijing residents gaze across army barricades blocking off northeast entrance to Tiananmen Square.

July 7, 1989 – New York Times: Map of latest reported developments around Beijing.

June 7, 1989 – Students lying on railroad tracks in Changsha, Nanjing, and Hangzhou block hundreds of trains along major routes.

June 7, 1989 – New York Times: Shanghai, at a standstill, waits apprehensively.

June 7, 1989 – New York Times: Japan reconsiders billions of dollars in aid to China.

June 7, 1989 – Beijing residents take cover as truckload of armed soldiers passes by.

June 7, 1989 – New York Times: Thatcher stands by pledge to hand over Hong Kong to China.

June 7, 1989 – Students in Wuhan block traffic and main bridge over Yangtze River; try to set fire to railroad cars but are stopped by police.

June 7, 1989 – Students in Taiyuan call on army units to fight their way to Beijing and hang Li Peng, Deng Xiaoping, Yang Shangkun.

June 7, 1989 – Truckload of armed soldiers patrols central Beijing, following crackdown.

June 7, 1989, 10:00am – Chinese soliders open fire on upper floors of Jianguomen Diplomatic Residential Compound in Beijing. Due to phoned warning to US military attache the night before, only a few people were in Jianguomen DRC and they luckily escaped injury.

June 7, 1989 – Based Nick Kristof’s report, it appears soldiers fired on Qijiayuan DRC, not nearby Jianguomenwai DRC.

June 7, 1989, 12:00pm (noon, US time) – Secretary of State James Baker orders evacuation of all non-essential US citizens from China.

July 7, 1989 – New York Times: US makes plans to airlift Americans out of China.

June 7, 1989 – Swastika drawn on destroyed APC, covered with tangled bicycles, in central Beijing.

June 7, 1989 – In Shijiazhuang, residents and students stage sit-in at headquarters of 27th Army, blamed for the worst violence in Beijing.

June 7, 1989 – 300 Chinese employees of the United Nations hold emotional memorial service.

June 7, 1989 – Beijing residents gather around street poster denouncing the violent army crackdown.

June 7, 1989 – New York Times: Soviets criticize foreign pressure on China following crackdown.

June 7, 1989 – Students storm auditoriums and classrooms at Shanghai college campuses to erect biers to honor dead in Beijing.

June 7, 1989 – Roadblocks manned by students continue to block virtually all traffic in Shanghai, amid rumors martial law may be declared.

June 7, 1989 – New York Times: Foreigners scramble to leave Beijing.

June 8, 1989 – Beijing residents injured in altercation with martial law troops.

June 8, 1989 – With most markets closed, Beijing residents line up for food.

June 8, 1989 – New York Times: Foreigners tell of fear and chaos in Beijing.

June 8, 1989 – One third of Shanghai factory workers don’t show up to work, many factories halt or slash production, electricity usage plummets.

June 8, 1989 – Mayor Zhu Rongji gives TV speech, says “Shanghai cannot afford any turmoil”, but pledges not to call in the army.

June 8, 1989 – Travelers sleep in Shanghai train station after trains have been stopped by unrest.

June 8, 1989 – New York Times: After decades of restrain, Japan criticizes China.

June 8, 1989 – Martial law soldiers guard intersection in central Beijing.

June 8, 1989 – Thousands of soldiers march down Beijing’s East Chang’an Ave shouting “Down with chaos! Fight the counterrevolutionaries!”

June 8, 1989 – New York Times: “One American diplomat found 50 bullet holes in his apartment.”

June 8, 1989 – British diplomats and their families evacuate Beijing.

June 8, 1989 – New York Times: Foreboding grips Beijing.

July 8, 1989 – New York Times: US says 200,000 troops near China’s capital, has no idea who is running the country.

July 8, 1989 – In New York Times op-ed, Richard Holbrooke outlines four possible scenarios for China’s future.

June 9, 1989 – Martial law troops begin cleaning up the damaged streets of Beijing.

June 9, 1989 – New York Times: Li Peng makes public appearance; President Bush bars normal ties with China for now.

June 9, 1989 – Beijing residents read martial law announcements posted on the streets.

July 9, 1989 – New York Times: Heavy military occupation of Beijing continues.

June 9, 1989 – 100,000 workers sent to clear roadblocks in Shanghai, while students conduct peaceful memorial protest.

July 9, 1989 – Soldiers camped on the main streets of Beijing wash their clothes.

June 9, 1989 – Police lead away a protest organizer arrested in Beijing.

June 9, 1989 – New York Times: Voice of America beams TV signals into China.

June 9, 1989 – Peaceful students protests continue in Xi’an, Lanzhou, Yinchuan, Hangzhou, Guiyang, and Guangzhou, but calm returning.

June 9, 1989 – Tens of thousands hold protest rally in Shanghai.

June 9, 1989 – Protesters in Shanghai defy government crackdown.

June 9, 1989 – Beijing under martial law: tanks and soldiers stand guard at Tiananmen.

June 9, 1989 – New York Times: Evacuated Americans recount close calls.

June 9, 1989 – Deng Xiaoping publicly congratulates commanders of martial law troops for mission accomplished.

June 10, 1989 – Tanks, soldiers, barbed wire, and definitely no tourists at Beijing’s Gate of Heavenly Peace.

June 10, 1989 – Burned-out buses once used as barricades still litter the streets in downtown Beijing.

June 10, 1989 – Central orders go out to China’s provinces to immediately stifle any remaining student protests, peaceful or otherwise.

June 10, 1989 – New York Times: Chinese students in US continues protests, worry what awaits them when they return to China.

June 10, 1989 – New York Times: Rocky period lies ahead between US and China.

June 10, 1989 – New York Times: US-China relations appear badly damaged; some fear China will turn towards Russia.

June 11, 1989 – New York Times: Dissidents arrested in Shanghai as protests continue.

June 11, 1989 – Beijing under martial law: soldiers marching in Tiananmen Square.

June 11, 1989 – New York Times: China arrests 400 in Beijing amid fears of a wide purge.

June 12, 1989 – Commuters pedal past tank and barbed wire on sidewalk in downtown Beijing.

June 12, 1989 – Arrest warrant for Fang Lizhi and his wife (taken refuge in US embassy) is broadcast on China state TV.

June 12, 1989 – New York Times: China seeks arrest of top dissident, moves to rewrite history.

June 12, 1989 – Cover of TIME Magazine.

June 12, 1989 – New York Times: China’s democracy movement is over, for now. “Everyone is terrified into submission. Who can resist guns?”

June 13, 1989 – Cyclists pass barbed wire and armored personnel carriers in front of Beijing’s Tiananmen.

June 12, 1989 – New York Times: Public transportation in Shanghai, paralyzed by protests last week, has returned to normal.

June 13, 1989 – Beijing commuters pass tanks deployed in Tiananmen Square.

July 13, 1989 – New York Times: China bans groups calling for democracy.

June 13, 1989 – Shanghai residents read statement by President Bush, posted outside the U.S. consulate, condemning the Chinese government’s crackdown.

June 13, 1989 – Chinese government issues list of 21 “most wanted” instigators of the protests in Tiananmen Square.

June 1989 – China’s now-First Lady Peng Liyuan (Xi Jinping’s wife)serenades martial law soldiers in Tiananmen Square. This photo was quickly scrubbed from China’s internet after it came to light in 2013.

One response to “Tiananmen Protests, Moment by Moment, Part 5”

  1. […] The Square had been cleared of protesters, but the story was far from over. It continues here, in Part 5: Aftermath. […]

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